Friday, April 25, 2008


April is starting to wind down and i have cooled off. The first 2 1/2 weeks i was getting 1k+ but, this week has been pretty bruital with only a 1.5k profit so far. Overall this year I am way ahead of my target goal of 100k. Right now I am 65k+ this year so hopefully if I step it up ill get over 200k by the end of the year. Ive made a few more wsop final tables but no packages. I am hoping by the end of the month to get near 70k profit which would be nice. Lately I have tried to move up to 500s but, every game is struggle of bad beats and card dead situation. My last 11 out of 12 500s have been get them to 300 chips they start pushing everyhand go card dead and get sucked out then eventually lose.
Updates to come

1 comment:

Ryan said...


I threw your blog link on mine, mind doing the same for me?

Gl with the games, I'm sure you'll start to heat up soon.